What Is the Connecticut Fire Sprinkler Coalition?

If anyone knows and understands the importance of fire sprinkler systems, besides us of course, it’s firefighters. In fact, firefighters in Connecticut have been urging builders to install sprinklers in newly constructed homes throughout the state. While they haven’t seen a huge amount of success in their efforts so far, there is hope.

Recently, a group called the Connecticut Fire Sprinkler Coalition has been making renewed efforts to ensure sprinkler systems are more prevalent throughout the state. This group, led by Fire Marshal Keith Flood, has been trying to spread the word about sprinkler systems to the public. They believe that once people fully understand the benefits of having sprinkler systems in the home, there will be very little resistance to the idea.

Realtors and building contractors have been against the idea in recent years because they view it as too costly. They have also worried that homeowners won’t like the sight of sprinklers in their house. Fortunately, the statistics about fire sprinklers are beginning to win out over these reasons.

According to Flood, a sprinkler system in the home can reduce the chance of death in a fire by 80 percent. With fatality rates caused by fires on the rise, he and the coalition believe that things need to change sooner rather than later.

What do you think about having fire sprinklers in residential homes? Do you think this coalition will be successful in convincing the people of Connecticut? We hope to see a growing trend of people and organizations advocating for the benefits of sprinklers, and we are excited to see what the future holds!